Thursday, September 30, 2010

Smells Like School Spirit

This entry is going to be difficult to write, since I'm not going to say the University name, use school colors, or our mascots name, but I am so filled with school spirit this week, I can't not write something. I suppose we'll just call it U- for the sake of this blog....

For some background info, I've always had school spirit and I've always loved the University. Going to U- and not to the other school that I was planning on was the best decision I've ever made. I give the school, my friends, and my mentors full credit for crafting me into the person I've become (and clearly that's a pretty awesome person....cocky, I know). That aside, I never ever imagined that being away from the school on this job would actually make me love the school even more! I suppose absence makes the heart grow fonder!

So far in every state I have been to, I've met someone who was from the state (one in FL even grew up in our tiny town); is an alum of U-; or has a spouse/sibling/cousin/great nephew twice removed who is an alum. At the college fairs I think I talk to more people who were alums/family of alumni than I do people who are actually interested! It's SO great see just how wide our alumni network actually reaches. I can't wait until I get to go to my kids' college fairs and find the U- reps!

I've always laughed that people from our state have no state pride, not like Texas or New Jersey for sure. But apparently I've been wrong. People Love (not the capital L) to come up to me and shout that they are from other towns in the state. They don't care that many of them are no where near the school or where I grew up. Heck, I've never been to most of the towns they rattle off, but they Love to see us represented all over the country. It's a great feeling of camaraderie made in 2.5 seconds!

Today I was in a fast food restaurant in Florida and I mentioned to the waitress that I had never been to a Steak N Shake before, because we don't have them up North. She asked where I was from and 30 minutes later she found some other customers in the restaurant who were from the same state. We shouted back and forth over a c0uple rows of tables and it turns out she's an alumna herself. I was beaming with pride. Small world!

I've even started buying school colored clothes. I certainly have enough t-shirts, flip flops and lanyards with the schools name on it, but now I even have "grown up clothes" to represent U-. I wish I looked good in polos or could wear a tie. I'd get those too. At the college fairs many reps wear their school colors. Plus, it coordinates well with the table cloth banner! What a great reason to go shirt shopping! I just read that another U- rep has U- luggage tags and people stop him at the airport. Next time I am on campus, I'm going to invest for sure. For now, the ribbons on my carry-on and checked baggage are school colored. It's the best I can do! Ah, I can't wait to go shopping at the bookstore!

I always laughed at a former supervisor who had so much LSU pride. How could one person have so much spirit? So much LSU themed office decorations, clothing, and LSU stories? It always broke my heart that he didn't have nearly as much U- pride, though he's working on it! But now I totally understand. I don't think I could ever have so much pride in any other school I work for in the future. It's truly love.

My friends have been known to complain about how excessively I talk about U- when other U- students are around. Hate to say it, but now that I am a walking encyclopedia on the school, I could rave on and on for hours more. Sorry, y'all! I am so proud to go to such a wonderful University with a phenomenal reputation and so much school spirit!

GO U-!!!!
Now, that just looks silly, doesn't it?
And how come I can't make the font bigger?
I want to shout it from the rooftop!

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